The Great Gizmo

0 Review Melbourne, VIC Phone: 03 8738 8530


This is no regular ‘Corporate Clown’!

The Great Gizmo! A Juggler, Magician, Unicyclist, Clown, Ringmaster, a complete Circus in one body.

A unique character with a particular Magic of his own, able to entertain audiences of all ages.

Children to Grand parents & everyone in-between are entertained with Style, Talent & Silliness.

The Great Gizmo! Entertains at Corporate functions, Festivals, Private parties, Shopping centres, Gala events,

Cocktail parties, Sporting events, Libraries wherever people are gathered.

Be Amused, Bemused, Dazzled, Surprised, Shocked, and most of all Entertained!


Coaxing innocent people into partaking in feats of Silliness or Danger, never experienced before.

Such feats as the amazing ‘ride of fear’, where a dare devil sits upon The Great Gizmo’s shoulders while he rides his unicycle.

The only steering being the Curls on his distinguished Moustache (Yes, it's real!).

He can Balance on his Chin anything from a Feather to a Bicycle.

Keep your shoes and other possessions protected, as they are likely to be juggled before your very eyes.

To see 10 chairs balanced upon a chin, you need to see The Great Gizmo!



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